Thursday, March 31, 2011

A preview of somethin new

Something I'm working on for the lulz. Just finished working on something for someone last night. Links to follow when it's online.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Not Dead... Really

I'm not dead, I swear. The past couple of months have just been insane for me and keeping up the blog of scribbles has fallen to the wayside. Christmas, birthdays, a death in the family, unemployment, new employment, a birth in the family, have all kept me from here. Also, some art projects have been acquired and are in the process as well (one even pays Oooooo!). there were scanner troubles for a while as well that were hampering things too.

However, my hands have not been broken and there are many new pages sitting in the sketch books waiting to be made digital and posted as soon as I get around to it.

Things to look forward to in the future (hopefully near future) include many more Spidey fan arts (because I'm obsessed), 6 year old ninjas, a cover image, a set of 5 pics heading online elsewhere in the foreseeable future, and I think others that I'm forgetting at the moment.

-Still chewing sharpies and spitting on the pages 'till my tongue goes numb,